Monday, July 05, 2004

Greenhouse fear 'a scam'


DISTINGUISHED botanist David Bellamy has branded fears about global warming as "the biggest scam to hit the world". The UK conservationist said there was no evidence that human actions had caused temperatures to rise around the globe. Dr Bellamy argued that global warming was the result of an entirely natural scientific pattern, and might even be a good thing.

He accused governments of needlessly wasting billions of dollars on measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Dr Bellamy also hit out at "scare tactics" used in the campaign. "It is scientifically proven that 99 per cent of the world's greenhouse emissions come from natural sources over which we have no control," Dr Bellamy said. "Yet millions are being spent which will have no effect whatsoever on global warming. "It is a scientific fact that it is increases in temperature which are responsible for increases in natural C02 (carbon dioxide) levels, not the other way around, as the public is repeatedly told."

The above article appeared in the Brisbane "Sunday Mail" on July, 4, 2004. Prof. Bellamy is of course well-known for his nature shows on T.V. and his advocacy of many environmental causes


"California's newly released regulatory initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from new cars sold in that state represents the triumph of symbolism over substance. It's an ill-considered gesture that ought to annoy partisans on both sides of the global warming fence. How much will these new emission rules help in the fight against global warming? 'Not much' would be a charitable answer.

Back-of-the envelope calculations derived from computer simulations performed by climatologist Tom Wigley (who, by the way, supports aggressive action to address the threat of global warming) suggest that even if every state in the union adopted California's new program, global temperatures would drop by something less (actually, probably far less) than one-tenth of 1 degree Fahrenheit by 2050. What everyone in the scientific community understands but few want to discuss publicly is that stopping global warming - or even slowing it down appreciably - requires the near total abandonment of fossil fuels."

More here.


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

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